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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hello. This is a site for weekly episodic novels. There is currently one novel going, and I will post new chapters (typically 2-5 pages long) once a week on Monday. Should you prefer to read them earlier, you can also subscribe to receive them a few days early, on Friday, by sending me an email at This service is one hundred percent free. Other thoughts and concerns can also be sent to me with the same e-mail.

The stories I have planned are ( * denotes planned, and is not currently being written, but going to in the near future. **means tentative, and plans can change):

Manuscript: Horror. About two books created from human flesh and blood. One book travels backward through time, the Necrochronicle, and is intrinsically linked to the other, the Carriortus, which is being created in the present. Carriortus is able to reach out and affect any environment the Necrochronicle is in, provided the Carriortus level of completion is equal or greater than the Necrochronicle, which becomes more complex the further back in time it travels. One the Carriortus is complete, the owner will be able to reach back in time to the beginning of humanity, bending it to his will. The heroes are good people able to destroy the Necrochronicle throughout time, from different eras, and the Carriortus's struggle to destroy these men and women, and a small group of modern people searching for the Carriortus. (

Chamber Six*: Fantasy. Lord of the Rings and Clint Eastwood had a baby. The world of dwarves and elves grew up a little bit, and every species need to expand shoved the world east. The new desert and plains regions are lawless and brutal, forcing the population to seek justice elsewhere from their old world governments. Thus, the bounty hunters came into being, living by their own code. Wild magicks were harnessed in brass shells, and revolvers were created to fire them. With every fully loaded chamber a potpourri of flame and ice, lightning and mud, you never know what your opponent has in their sixth chamber. The story follows one aging bounty hunter who finds a new purpose in life thanks to a young and green bounty hunter, and a mysterious women with white eyes.

The Romance of an End**: Horror. In the wake of the civil war, near Chicago, one man hunts the zombies created by the war.

Bones from Earth**: Science Fiction. mysterious ruins of an ancient space-faring race litter the galaxy.

Scoured**: Science Fiction. Four army squads on a god-forsaken planet fight for survival against a savage enemy, savage wildlife, and an even more savage environment.

Ironbound**: Sci-fi/ Mystery. Ferric Decker killed the king. All Ferric has to do is get away with it. Should he do so, he will be crowned the next king. All Andrew has to do is prove that Ferric is a murderer.

With Human Flesh**: Fiction. In a world full of super heroes, one guy decides he wants to be a super hero. Except he has no powers. And isn't rich. Or in shape. Oh yes, he's also lazy.

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